Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Half-term and Sunshine

It doesn't seem five minutes ago i was putting the last of the Turkey stock in the freezer, removing the cards from display then wham...Suddenly it's half-term and the result is unorganised chaos. It's great not having to get up every day and not have to worry about where the missing PE sock is again, but the worst is keeping the family happy. First born is fine she drives so can come and go as she pleases. But for the others it's a different ball game. The ususal cry of i'm bored can we go out, what can i do next?

Part of the problem is they haven't got used to all this space and freedom, when i was young, yes i know the dark ages! We would disappear for hours and come back when we where hungry or when it was dark. I think the boys need to make friends with children who live on farms and learn how to occupy their time.

The weather is superb just lovely warm sunshine, which means a respite on the mud. It gets everywhere and i do not know whether i will ever learn to deal with it. I invested in a welly rack and that has worked well as long as everyone uses it, and then remember to brush the excess mud away. Really exciting stuff but that is country living.

The builders started yesterday digging out the floor in the two stone barns its really noisy but i don't care i feel we are getting somewhere now even if they stop at the end of the week - which i know they will because they have another job to finish and then they can start properly on our job.

The chickens have started to lay every day which is still a novelty for us and i am pleased to report that i picked one of the hens up last night, thats the best time when you are new to chickens because they have come in to go to sleep and are a bit dopey.

Spoken to a lady looking to loan her two donkeys so meeting with her this week which i'm really looking forward to! I feel like everything is coming together now.

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