Friday, 7 March 2008

Noahs Ark- without the flood

Well hear we are the end of another week, the weather here in Cornwall has been windy and chilly but really not cold. That is not compared to Cheshire cold, as yet i have only de-iced windscreen once this season and we are pretty exposed where we live! I'm sure back in the north there have been many abandoned cars due to snow by now. I spent today digging veggie patch planting bits and bobs and drawing a plan of what is where. This will be an experimental year as apart from planing spuds 12 years ago i have done this before. However, its like most things, i never had chickens before and i have learnt about them and we are about to get some more we only have the 6 hens but we are already getting 4 eggs a day! Part way into April i have got two donkeys come to live here the owner is relocating and needs somewhere for her donkeys this is good as we are trying to create the type of farm environment that is good for us and the people that visit on holiday. I have already found that friends from school come to play - not for the childs company but i think mainly for the fun of running around the fields seeing the horses, digging in the stream - you get the picture. Being a farm we can sell our produce, that is something we are really looking forward to. It's great to go to bed at night feeling totally exhausted from clearing and digging not as my husband use to find falling asleep to the drone of a train engine running you back north after a business trip to London! He use tobe an IT consultant now he is s**t shoveller, digger, tractor driver, post and rail fencer, and plenty more besides. This has been the best thing we have ever done spending days doing what we want - no deadlines, well not unless you call getting the caravan certified location up and running asap! But after due diligence for business sales etc etc
Oh thats better just paused to refill red wine glass downstairs, i have old school desk in bedroom which is a great place, sky tv with own box (condition with husband of moving to 200 yr old farmhouse waiting for builders to start), girl needs ocasional tv, lap top and copius amounts of wine.
Off to plant(garden sort) sale tomorrow early, second daughter starting cleaning job in older persons home really looking forward to that. Hopefully buying Bar B Que as well, since rayburn giving up we need a bar b with a gas ring so i can boil stuff when i need to. Not long with the builders mess and rubble, dirt and dust be finished they reckon - by christmas......
Firstborn having boyfriend over, made toad in the hole and sliced potatoes, could this be love or what, never cooked for me, maybe a slice of toast on birthday or mothers day and her bedroom is spotless. She at present is living in the dairy next to kitchen so all comings and goings of said boyfriend duly noted by all family memebers, she also sleeps in sisters room so i can relax, don't know why she is 20 this year!
have a great weekend all,

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